Podcast Plug ta manette

Podcast Date: February 2021 to present Partner : CHOQ from the Université du Québec à Montréal Link : https://plugtamanette.com/ Description: A podcast made by students in the master’s degree program in communication, concentration video games and gamification, at UQAM. Every two weeks, we get together to discuss a video game from Quebec!

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Since I work full-time in the video game world and am always looking to develop an expertise of the medium based on field experience and research, I stream content myself online. In 2018, after only a few weeks, I was invited to join the Twitch affiliate program. I also did a lot of testing with…

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Exclusion of Quebec (Cause)

IMPORTANT UPDATE On June 2, 2021, the RACJ officially announced a legislation relaxation: Amendments to the Act respecting lotteries, publicity contests and amusement machines came into effect on June 2, 2021. Enterprises that hold international contests no longer have to complete paperwork or pay the regulatory fees previously required by the Régie. The relaxation, considered in the interest of…

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